Slowchat Highlights

by | 09.6.16

Teacher2Teacher is a community that shares effective practices and innovations so educators can connect and grow together.

Across the country, countless new teachers are experiencing their first first day of school. What do you wish you had known as you prepared to enter the classroom for the first time?

In last week’s slowchat, hosted by teachers Lyndsay Nottingham and Sarah Thomas, we asked you to share your best back-to-school tips for new teachers. Read on for 20 of the Teacher2Teacher community’s responses and share your own in the comments below.

  1. “Focus on building relationships and routines. Students need to learn in a loving and safe environment.”—@heidigasl
  2. “Begin your weekly communication with parents NOW! Build relationships early so they are ready when needed!”—@UtahTOY2014
  3. “Focus on mastering one thing at a time in your class…one tech tool, one child, one strategy.”—@ScholarVlogger
  4. “Go slow, teaching procedures and expectations along the way. Give lots of opportunities to build relationships and trust.”—@SandyRempel
  5. “Bad days are inevitable and happen to everyone. Take them in stride as lessons for improvement and then move on to better days.”—@fullerenglish
  6. “Find the happiest, most positive teachers and hang with them. Behaviors, positive and negative, are contagious!”—@AerynJones
  7. “Set your expectations and procedures early and RETEACH often! They don’t know if you don’t know!”—‏@dramatchr
  8. “The best tip I could share for the start of the year would be to learn all students’ names in the first two days. It’s your homework.”—@jessica_reddout
  9. “Learn from those around you. Questions are not a hallmark of weakness, but a path toward strength.”—@PdDivas
  10. “Explain WHAT it is, HOW it works, and WHY they should use it/WHY it’ll make a difference.”—@BMcHawk
  11. “The best advice I could give new teachers is to be authentic. Kids can spot a fake; keep it real. Let your heart lead.”—@SJNeill13
  12. “Nothing is set in stone. Meet the students, take your time and let the class dynamic shape your plans. Every class is different.”—@MagnoliaMissG
  13. “Advice for new teachers: find your people! Find teachers who inspire you to be the best you can be. Build a personal learning network [PLN] and never stop! Build your PLN through Twitter chats, face-to-face collaboration, Edcamps and attending conferences.”—@coreythornblad
  14. “Always ask for help. There is no shame in admitting you need help.”—@MlaraleLara
  15. “Challenge yourself to try one new technology per quarter this school year.”—@StyleLearn
  16. “Check out the school library and befriend the teacher librarian! Great resources.”—@OELMA1
  17. “Be yourself, learn and love your kids, listen to others but always do what’s best for your students.”—@ShanaVWhite
  18. “Don’t rely on students to deliver communication. Find ways to get info to the parents’ phone/inbox. @RemindHQ @ClassDojo @seesaw.”—@kilgoretech
  19. “Find the joy every day! And find a teaching buddy who helps you to remember.”—@karlahilliard
  20. “Enjoy. Kids just want to learn, feel good about themselves and have a good time. You, too!”—@SheilaBerenson

Don’t miss this week’s slowchat about culturally responsive teaching—use #T2TChat to join in the conversation with hosts Lyndsay Nottingham and Sarah Thomas. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter if you don’t already!

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