The Power of Community Within Math Class

by | 02.8.24

Kara Imm is a K-12 STEM teacher educator, based in Brooklyn, NY, who supports math communities of kids and teachers alike. Follow her on X @KaraLouiseImm.

We know that learning is a social endeavor — that through experiences, interactions, and co-creations with others we come to know and create new ideas. Holding this idea at the forefront of mathematics education is especially important, where the tendency to treat students as individuals along their own skill-based trajectories tends to prevail. After over two decades of teaching, research and teacher development within mathematics education, I am more convinced of the value and power of mathematical communities. With the support of a thoughtful and socially conscious teacher, a math community is a space where all kids can develop a newfound interest in mathematics, see its beauty or power in new ways, and develop positive mathematical identities.

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